Wednesday, February 11, 2015

So Many Reminders

We went over so many reminders this morning.  Your kids kept asking me how they are suppose to remember all of these things.  I told them I would send a blog post with reminders.  So here you go:) 

All Box tops are due tomorrow!  We are trying to win the party.  

Our 6 Flags Reading forms are due tomorrow.  Each teacher set their own deadline so other Claymont kids might have a different due date.  

Tomorrow is our Valentine's Day Party.  Please send a box to decorate at school and Valentines if your child would like to pass them out.  

Our Valentine book mobiles are due tomorrow too. They are looking great! 

I think that is all.  Thank you! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to e-mail or call me. Thanks! 

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