Thursday, September 25, 2014

Our NEW Growth Mindset

Over the past 2 weeks our class has learned the difference between having a fixed mindset (thinking I can't do it, I don't want to do it, this is too hard, I give up, etc.) to having a growth mindset (I can't do it YET, I can learn from my mistakes, I WILL be able to do this, etc).  We have been reading books, having great conversations, looking at inspirational posters, and we even had some 5th graders come talk to us about growth mindset.  Our recent project was to write a promise to ourselves on how we could have a growth mindset this year in order to learn to our highest potential and not give up when things get hard.  Each student wrote a promise in a speech bubble and we added it to their picture on our growth mindset board.  I wanted to share pictures of our posters and of the students' promises because they came up with some amazing things!  Feel free to use this language at home, during homework or extra curricular activities. Enjoy! 

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