Thursday, December 22, 2016

Claymont Cares Project!

We raised over $1,000.00!!!  Our service learning project was very successful! The kids learned a lot and had a great time! Check out these pictures! Thank you so much for your support with our project. The kids and adults at Our Little Haven will be very thankful.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Magic House

We had a great time at The Magic House today!  The kids became producers and consumers in the Children's Village.  They did a fantastic job! A special thanks to the three parents who joined us - Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Glisson and Mr. Corbin! What a great day!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Fun and Fitness Day

WOW! We had a great time on Friday at Fun and Fitness Day. Our class got so many compliments on our behavior, listening skills and sportsmanship!  I was so proud of them! I took way too many pictures and wanted to share some of them with you.  I hope you enjoy!